Social impact innovation for an effective actor-common crisis response on a regional level

An effective digital crisis response portal
The AIDITTO initiative is a result of a Vinnova-funded project completed during 2020, in close collaboration between AIDITTO AB, Länsstyrelsen Skåne, Research Institutes of Sweden, Helsingborgs Stad, Lunds Kommun and Tomelilla Kommun .
It has framed how actor-common, digital, regional communication should function for an effective digital crisis response on regional level, to support citizens and businesses with accessible information, clear calls-to-actions for help needed and help offered, and a safe and clear way in for the public for requests and responses.

A clear focus on resilience-orientated communication and services.
What has been key to make the initiative successful, is the focus on non-platform concerns: a clear focus on the public needs owners, organisational behaviour management (OBM) and resilience-orientated crisis communication.
The platform is an effect of doing the right things, and having a great team to do it right. We focus on a whole-systems approach to form effective crisis responses where each level can get the most impactful outcomes through adequate communication.
We released the platform prototype under the MIT license in December 2020. We invite the open source community to join the continued development of it through pull requests. The initial proof-of-concept release is available on Github at

What has been created rests on the foundations provided in the publications by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, applied to the realm of digital and the new media landscape with social media and the public’s reduced attention in the traditional media channels.
We were one of the winners of the European EUvsVirus Hackathon, a successful outcome of Hack the Crisis Sweden, and was awarded 2020 Top 20 new IDEAs by Venture Cup Sweden. Our video below describes AIDITTO in 60 seconds. Since our humble beginnings we have seen first-hand how much the public sector in Sweden needs to develop their internal capacity to innovate and co-create in the digital space.
The AIDITTO initiative has completed two Vinnova-funded projects together with the involved public needs owners, performed research on the need itself as part of an upcoming report, and developed the AIDITTO tryst in close collaboration between the involved parties.
Contact us at to learn more.